To say this week was good would be an understatement, things are starting to happen here!
Okay so this week we were heavily involved with the Calgary Canned Food Drive (hence the subject line). Lets just say that was so much fun. My arms and legs are so sore from moving all the food-- which is good cause that means that there was a lot. 450,000 lbs to be exact. All of us missionaries here in Calgary got to help out with it, and the Mayor of Calgary actually came to the station that we were at so we had the opportunity to meet him... ha or he had the opportunity to meet us. I've heard it both ways :) Anyway, he's like this super cool guy who is voted like best mayor in the world or something like that, and I've heard that he is one of the only Muslim mayors in the world. How neat is that?
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The food drive-- the mayor is the one in the middle. |
So ya this week continued to be great, we had zone conference on Wednesday. That was SUPER good!! President and Sister Miles are seriously the best! It was one of the best meetings I have ever been to. We discussed the talk "None Were With Him", by Elder Holland, and just had this super awesome discussion on the Atonement. It just made me that much more grateful for my Savior and for everything that He has done for me and my family. Seriously we are so blessed. Left that meeting just feeling like I could do anything!
Zone conference :) Our zone is bombbbb |
Ha on a completely different note, I've seen a LOT more this week than I wanted to. Ha we went to dinner with this cute old couple in our ward and the guy was having trouble getting into the car so I went and helped him and his pants fell completely down.... ha so that was super weird. And also, we went tracting this week and tracted into this naked gay guy.... ha also pretty weird. But hey it's stories like that, that make the mish right?
Okay so there was also some super awesome teaching going on this week. First cool story was when we went and taught our investigator Linda. She's the one that is special needs and doesn't need to be baptized but she wants to so badly. Anyway, we were there teaching and her guardian apparently was having a super hard day, and I felt like I should share one of my favorite scriptures with her: Isaiah 41:10 and 13. So, I shared that with her and as soon as I started reading she just starts crying. That apparently was the scripture that the missionaries shared with her when she was choosing if she wanted to be baptized or not. Holy smokes, the spirit was so dang strong, it was one of the coolest experiences of my entire life. What are the odds that is the scripture that comes to my head?? Seriously the spirit is just the coolest.
Second cool story from the week; yesterday we met with this guy named Tony. He's a less active member in our ward. He got baptized when he was 16 but then didn't really stay. He's now like 30-something and is wanted to realign his life again. So we met with him and had a super awesome discussion with him. Halfway into our lesson he just kinda breaks down and said that he didn't plan on telling us but he completely opened up and told us what he is dealing with right now. He's going through so much and it was cool to see that he really trusted us. He said that he didn't plan on telling us that but that he felt like we could really help him, so that was awesome!
This week we also were able to go on exchanges. So our STL's are actually the Spanish sisters. Ha so I got to go and teach some Spanish families. Ha man I should have taken Senor Bingham more seriously.... no but that was actually way fun and I enjoyed it a lot!
When you see a pink couch on the side of the road, you have to sit in it. |
We got a car!!! Also, found this creepy santa and had to take it :) |
So pretty much this week was just packed with awesomeness. It really was such a great week. Oh and fun fact: We get to share a car with the Elders! We switch every other week. Ha so that is pretty exciting as well!!
Anyway, just love you lots! Miracles are happening here in the Calgary 5th Ward!!
ESL with Hermana Ratliff!! Fun fact: I worked at BYU with her little Sister, Nicole.
The city is BEAUTIFUL!! All the leaves are starting to change.
Quote of the week: "No matter how often or how far we fall, the Light of Christ ever burns brightly. And even in the deepest night, if we but step toward Him, His light will consume the shadows and reignite our souls." -President Uchtdorf
Scripture of the week: Omni 1:26-- And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.
Love ya and hope that you all have a fantastic week. I pray for you guys every day! :)
Sister King
This is the Myer family. They always give us the "evil eye" So we had an evil eye competition. I won. |
A new elder in my zone was in Haylee Harrison's district in the MTC! |
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