Thursday, July 13, 2017

Fast and Find

Hey hey hey!!!!
Holy shnikeez, can't even believe it's already pday! What an eventful week, don't even know where to start.

Ha okay let me start out with a fun miracle-- we went and were helping at a BBQ for the Calgary Stampede, they were doing a little raffle drawing and all of us volunteers got to put our name into the drawing. There was one thing that I wanted, this awesome animal blanket. It's super sick. So we were just talking to a bunch of people-- have a few solid potentials (which is another miracle in and of itself), then I heard it, they said my name over the intercom and I won the blanket. It was legitimately  the best moment of my entire life. So ya, this is what dreams are made of, told you that miracles are happening.

The blanket I won... I told you that it was amazing!!

We woke up this morning and there was a cat in our living room.... ha I about died laughing.

The Andersons came up from Taber a little bit ago and gave me this amazing shirt "Happy, happy, happy.
 Ask my why?.... I'm an Auntie" Aren't they just the cutest?!?
Sister Zuidhof came to see me a little bit ago and I forgot to send the pic. Seriously the best person of my life...

Ha but as for the actual good stuff miracles there's a bunch of those too! So our mission did this mission-wide "fast and find" from Thursday to Friday. We all fasted that we would be able to find some more people to teach.  Then on Friday (which just happened to be the hottest day of the week) we all were out from 2-5 knocking on doors, street contacting-- just out and about talking to literally everybody we could see. It was awesome. Forgot to put on sunscreen, sorry mom. But I'm good! We knocked on a bunch of doors! Like it was awesome. We gave out a couple Book of Mormons and have a bunch of potentials that we're going to this week. It was awesome.

 And there were definitely so many miracles happening throughout the entire mission, super cool!! Just a couple of the people that we talked to-- Carey, this cute young mom that has 1 year old twins. We talked to her as she was getting out of her van, talked to her about how families can be together forever and she invited us to come back :D YAY! 

And another one, we were up tracting in our family ward-- kinda the wealthy part, we thought that we would use our faith to go to that area cause we need some work there, but we ended up tracting into this YSA age dude, Jordan. He was just getting ready to go to work but we bore a quick testimony to him and we're meeting with him again tomorrow. 

Then get this, we got a phone call from the assistants, they had some other missionaries on the phone with a referral for us. They met this guy, another guy named Jordan, who has some friends on missions and was hoping to read the Book of Mormon before they all get home, he was super excited about meeting with missionaries!! YAY, serious miracles people! Hoping to meet with him sometime this week as well. Also, finding is like the best thing in the entire world. I love it.

As for our people that we're working with, we met with David and Jody last night. David is the retired Marine, less active member, and his wife, Jody, is investigating. We had a super awesome lesson! David likes to talk... like a lot. And he also likes to play Devil's advocate. Which makes for some super interesting lessons... but anyway he was kind of going off an a rant and the spirit was like "ASK HIM ABOUT THE PRIESTHOOD!!!" So loud and clear. So I interrupted, honestly have no idea what he was talking about, and asked him if he had a testimony of the priesthood. He got silent. Which for him is unheard of. He sat there and thought for a second and he said yes. He said that he has had revelations with the priesthood and that he knows it's the power of God. So then I asked him if he thought that getting a priesthood blessing would help with the questions that he has, and again he sat for a sec. Then said it probably would. So... we're gonna try and do that this week. I just thought it was super cool.

We met with Samantha this week as well, she's finally not sick anymore :) We taught her the Restoration and that went so well! Before the lesson she had asked us why there were so many churches, and after the lesson she told us how everything just made sense. We asked her if this was something that she thought would make her and her family happy and she said that she knew it would. She's so amazing!! Can't wait to see what happens with her.

Jacob-- Jacob is still on date for the 22nd of this month.  :) We had a really good lesson with him. We read the talk with him called "Perfect Love Casteth our Fear" and that was super powerful. He is such a smart guy and has so many questions in every single lesson, this time I think something was a little different. He understood everything and didn't really have any questions. It was just great.

Yesterday was amazing!! We had a pass off lesson with our zone leaders for a girl named Nyahok. The Elders have been teaching her family, but she's the only one really progressing and she's YSA age, so we all went over. And we brought Sabrina with us :) Turns out her and Sabrina are actually friends and we got to talking about baptism and Sabrina pretty much taught the whole thing. She just told her all about her baptism and the spirit and how she came to the decision to be baptized, honestly it was the neatest thing to be able to hear how solid Sabrina is and seeing how it was affecting Nyahok. So that was a super awesome lesson and Nyahok is on date for the 29th of this month :)

Miracle after miracle, I'm telling you. God is good.

Quote of the week: "When you pray with faith, you will feel God's love as His spirit speaks to your soul. No matter how alone or uncertain you may feel at times, you are not alone in this world. God knows you, personally. As you pray, you will come to know Him."
 -Elder C. Scott Grow

Scripture of the week: D&C 93:1-2 Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandmants, shall see my face and know that I am; and that I am the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Life is good. I love being a missionary. This gospel is true and it's the only thing that will bring us true and everlasting happiness. Sharing that is the best thing in the entire world.

Love you all :) Hope you have a great week!!

Sister King

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