This week has been absolutely awesome! First of all, the weather has been great! It reached +17 and it was sunny... that means NO TIGHTS!!! So pretty much that's the best news ever.
We have had a really good week this week!! So I guess that main thing that went down was that we had our ward talent night. This is something that me and Sister Sims proposed in Ward Council like a month ago and we finally got to do it! So me and Sister Sims pretty much had to plan and prepare like EVERYTHING... but that is a-okay!! Cause it was awesome!! We had some really fun talents from people in the ward and there was some really cool art and things displayed as well. We originally planned to have it so that we could get our investigator families to come out to the church. THEY ALL CAME!!! Major success! Na and her son came, the Friessens came as well as the Neufelds-- they sang "I am a Child of God" with us... it was pretty cute, not gonna lie. There were a couple tears shed from people in the audience, so we knew we had done well :) It really was a huge success-- they said that they were going to make it an annual thing for their ward cause it went so well.
Ha so we were out in Vauxhall this week and one of our appointments canceled on us. So we knocked some doors and it was really cool cause we knocked on the doors that we felt prompted to and literally every one that we knocked on ended up being good for us somehow. We met this guy amed Rod,who has like hundreds of Alpacas and we started talking to him about religion and stuff. Talked to him for a solid 10 minutes then he gave us his number and said that we should come out and talk some more with him. That was chill.
Then we got some other return appointments with some Mennonite families. Vauxhall is just packed with Mennonites. It's awesome. We just need to crack open and baptize one of them and then they'll all follow... so we're working on that.
Oh ha I almost forgot!!! We went to Waterton this week! That was awesome! There was still quite a bit of snow there and the town was almost completely shut down, so we were like the only ones there. It was awesome. We got to walk around the lake and just be in the mountains. Man I miss those Utah mountains.
We went on another exchange this week with Sister Messick and Sister Barlow. That was super awesome! Me and Sister Messick had a super solid day. We got to see some of my favorite people and even meet a couple of new ones that the sisters are working with that we tried to work with when I was in that area. We had an awesome lesson with this part-member couple. We talked all about repentance, forgiveness and the Atonement. They cried. It was awesome. Ha I hope that's not weird that I like when our people cry cause then you can tell that the spirit is really working with them.
HELENA!!! Oh she is doing so well! We got to see her yesterday and we talked to her about the talent show-- she absolutely loved it! The ward did such a good job of taking her in and loving her, I think that was exactly what she needs to feel. It was the saddest thing ever yesterday when I told her that I could possibly be getting transferred this week. She said "that hurts deep in my heart..." and I just sat there like "I know!! I feel you!" I just love her and that family so much.
The McClennans!!!! aka my favorite people ever-- also they will be in Utah this weekend :) |
homemade pepperoni |
homemade sausage... welcome to Vauxhall |
When you drive 30 minutes out of Taber to your appointment and they aren't there. |
Learned to play the accordion. |
family pictures with the Neufelds |
oh so close to the border..... |
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Andersons-- he made me a rocking chair... he also had me try on this thing that they wear in India |
Women's conference was just the best thing of my whole life. Made me so excited for conference. It was cool how like all the talks focused on how we can keep our lives "centered on Christ." So ya, we're just pumped to hear more next week! Hopefully we'll get to hear something from Pres. Monson but it's cool to remember that it doesn't matter how long he speaks, it just matters that we he says gets listened to.
ANYWAYYYY! So yes, transfers are coming up this week. We find out tomorrow night what will be happening but it's about that time where I think I'll be heading. Who knows though?!?
So ya, life is good. Things are happening. The Book of Mormon Is true. Casey is pregnant. I love this gospel so much!
Hope that you all have a good, safe week!!
Kill it in NYC blabbs and mom-- take lots of pics!
Scripture of the week: 3 Nephi 4:33--And their hearts were swollen with joy, unto the gushing out of many tears, because of the great goodness of God in delivering them out of the hands of their enemies; and they knew it was because of their repentance and their humility that they had been delivered from an everlasting destruction
Quote of the week: "because you are His child, you not only need Him, but He needs you." -Rosemary Wixom
Love you lots!!!
Sister King
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